Threads Sidebar

Threads Sidebar

In this example, you can add comments to the document while collaborating with others. You can also pick user accounts with different permissions, as well as react to, reply to, and resolve existing comments. The comments are displayed floating next to the text they refer to, and appear when selecting said text. The comments are shown in a separate sidebar using the ThreadsSidebar component.

Try it out: Click the "Add comment" button in the Formatting Toolbar to add a comment!

Relevant Docs:

"use client";
import {
} from "@blocknote/core/comments";
import { BlockNoteView } from "@blocknote/mantine";
import "@blocknote/mantine/style.css";
import {
} from "@blocknote/react";
import { YDocProvider, useYDoc, useYjsProvider } from "@y-sweet/react";
import { useMemo, useState } from "react";
import { SettingsSelect } from "./SettingsSelect.js";
import { HARDCODED_USERS, MyUserType, getRandomColor } from "./userdata.js";
import "./style.css";
// The resolveUsers function fetches information about your users
// (e.g. their name, avatar, etc.). Usually, you'd fetch this from your
// own database or user management system.
// Here, we just return the hardcoded users (from userdata.ts)
async function resolveUsers(userIds: string[]) {
  // fake a (slow) network request
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
  return HARDCODED_USERS.filter((user) => userIds.includes(user.id));
// This follows the Y-Sweet example to setup a collabotive editor
// (but of course, you also use other collaboration providers
// see the docs for more information)
export default function App() {
  const docId = "my-blocknote-document-with-comments-2";
  return (
      <Document />
function Document() {
  const [activeUser, setActiveUser] = useState<MyUserType>(HARDCODED_USERS[0]);
  const [commentFilter, setCommentFilter] = useState<
    "open" | "resolved" | "all"
  const [commentSort, setCommentSort] = useState<
    "position" | "recent-activity" | "oldest"
  const provider = useYjsProvider();
  // take the Y.Doc collaborative document from Y-Sweet
  const doc = useYDoc();
  // setup the thread store which stores / and syncs thread / comment data
  const threadStore = useMemo(() => {
    // (alternative, use TiptapCollabProvider)
    // const provider = new TiptapCollabProvider({
    //   name: "test",
    //   baseUrl: "https://collab.yourdomain.com",
    //   appId: "test",
    //   document: doc,
    // });
    // return new TiptapThreadStore(
    //   activeUser.id,
    //   provider,
    //   new DefaultThreadStoreAuth(activeUser.id, activeUser.role)
    // );
    return new YjsThreadStore(
      new DefaultThreadStoreAuth(activeUser.id, activeUser.role)
  }, [doc, activeUser]);
  // setup the editor with comments and collaboration
  const editor = useCreateBlockNote(
      comments: {
      collaboration: {
        fragment: doc.getXmlFragment("blocknote"),
        user: { color: getRandomColor(), name: activeUser.username },
    [activeUser, threadStore]
  return (
      editable={activeUser.role === "editor"}
      // In other examples, `BlockNoteView` renders both editor element itself,
      // and the container element which contains the necessary context for
      // BlockNote UI components. However, in this example, we want more control
      // over the rendering of the editor, so we set `renderEditor` to `false`.
      // Now, `BlockNoteView` will only render the container element, and we can
      // render the editor element anywhere we want using `BlockNoteEditorView`.
      // We also disable the default rendering of comments in the editor, as we
      // want to render them in the `ThreadsSidebar` component instead.
      {/* We place the editor, the sidebar, and any settings selects within
      `BlockNoteView` as they use BlockNote UI components and need the context
      for them. */}
      <div className={"editor-layout-wrapper"}>
        <div className={"editor-section"}>
          <div className={"settings"}>
              items={HARDCODED_USERS.map((user) => ({
                text: `${user.username} (${
                  user.role === "editor" ? "Editor" : "Commenter"
                icon: null,
                onClick: () => {
                isSelected: user.id === activeUser.id,
          {/* Because we set `renderEditor` to false, we can now manually place
          `BlockNoteViewEditor` (the actual editor component) in its own
          section below the user settings select. */}
          <BlockNoteViewEditor />
          {/* Since we disabled rendering of comments with `comments={false}`,
          we need to re-add the floating composer, which is the UI element that
          appears when creating new threads. */}
          <FloatingComposerController />
      {/* We also place the `ThreadsSidebar` component in its own section,
      along with settings for filtering and sorting. */}
      <div className={"threads-sidebar-section"}>
        <div className={"settings"}>
                text: "All",
                icon: null,
                onClick: () => setCommentFilter("all"),
                isSelected: commentFilter === "all",
                text: "Open",
                icon: null,
                onClick: () => setCommentFilter("open"),
                isSelected: commentFilter === "open",
                text: "Resolved",
                icon: null,
                onClick: () => setCommentFilter("resolved"),
                isSelected: commentFilter === "resolved",
                text: "Position",
                icon: null,
                onClick: () => setCommentSort("position"),
                isSelected: commentSort === "position",
                text: "Recent activity",
                icon: null,
                onClick: () => setCommentSort("recent-activity"),
                isSelected: commentSort === "recent-activity",
                text: "Oldest",
                icon: null,
                onClick: () => setCommentSort("oldest"),
                isSelected: commentSort === "oldest",
        <ThreadsSidebar filter={commentFilter} sort={commentSort} />